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Status Update - October 2021

Well, things are finally moving along. The Revenant and the Tomb The first rounds of edits were sent off, and returned back in a week - I...

How I Write - Vomitus ex Verbis

Whether you're a plotter or a pantser, studied hand or free spirt, your writing process requires pumping out a first draft. What needs to...

Status Update - September 2021

The Free Novella I'll be honest with you: it seems like it's taking forever to get this novella done. I had a sit-down with my second...

My Writing Projects

I've hinted, in various venues, of the fact that I have several projects either complete, in progress, or shelved. The reason for this...

Why I Write

Every time I watch a show where some free spirit "artiste" goes on about what a creative person they are, I wanna throw my shoe at the...

Some Info on the Free Novella

As I write this, I'm around 17,000 words into a 20,000 word (proposed) novella. The roughs for chapters 1 through 7 are done, I've...

Status Update - April 2021

Well, quite a bit has happened since my last update. I got COVID. I got hospitalized because of COVID. Nasty business. I spent seven...

Status Update - The Free Novella

Yes, I've stated this before: I'm creating a free novella that will be offered as a bonus for signing up for my mailing list (most likely...

Art by Zach Bradley.

For any of the twelve of you who visited my website since its creation, the background art has changed. I commissioned Zach Bradley to...

Frankie Falawell, Book 2

The last chapter of Book 2 in the Frankie Falawell series is done, and the rough draft is complete.. It's 33 chapters long and a little...

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